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July 23, 2008

The Secret to Beautiful Skin

Good Morning~

After reading this information and using Mary Kay products I do think 40 is the NEW 30 when you take care of your skin! I have a bit of the "crows feet" not much though. Do you think maybe I'm really 25 years old. lol

By James Sternberg, MD
Dr. Sternberg is a dermatologist and anti aging expert in Westwood, California.

Taking care of your skin now will pay big benefits later—no matter what age you are now!

Although these changes are typical, there may be exceptions. The proper use of cleansers, moisturizers and cosmetics is essential to maintaining a youthful appearance. Use of a good skin care program such as Mary Kay offers—skin supplements containing Alpha Hydroxy—can certainly alter this progression.

At 20 years—The skin on the face is still free of wrinkles.

At 25 years—The first wrinkles appear on the forehead and under the eyes. Laugh lines become apparent.

At 30 years—”Crow’s feet” develop at the corners of the eyes.

At 40 years—Permanent wrinkles begin to appear in the area from the ears to
the neck.

At 50 years—Wrinkles appear around the nose, ear lobes, and chin. The skin
is noticeably drier.

At 55 years—Folds form at the nape of the neck and mostly on the areas exposed
to sunlight. Hyper-pigmentation or discoloration begins.

At 60 years—Wrinkles around the mouth deepen and the cheeks begin to sag.

At 70 years—Wrinkles begin to overlap, forming a crisscrossing net of
creases. Pigmentation is now quite evident.

Turn Back Time!

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