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December 7, 2007

24 Days of Blogging

Yes, I find that I'm always a "better late than never" kind of person. This is something I want to change in the New Year.

OK, back to 24 Days of Blogging. My friend Dina the owner of Wordfeeder was gracious enough to allow me to add my Blog to her blogroll during the 24 Days of Blogging. Go over and check out the services Dina has to offer and her 24 Days of Blogging. I didn't know that one of the services Dina's company offers is website copywriting and marketing. Plus, Dina's on top of what is coming....Web 2.0 Marketing!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks Leslie, I missed that service too. I know Dina is one of the best for putting together your press release, etc.
I believe the reason some businesses don't take advantage of Web 2.0 is that they don't understand why it is important, don't know what to do, don't have the time to do it.
Solution, visit Dina!

Still grumbling at Blogger, no longer lets us comment from non blogger accounts with a link to our blog.